Leadership Team

Fellow Haas alumni,

It is both an honor and a privilege to serve you as a part of the San Diego Haas Alumni Network leadership team. Our region is home to one of the most vibrant and diverse Haas alumni communities in the world.  Through your active participation in the club, we will ensure that SD-HAN fully leverages and delivers on the promise of this amazing community.

Over the coming months we will launch a number of new programs and event series that will offer local Haas alumni greater access to everything that is great about San Diego.  As you see these come online, please remember that every single program and event is made possible by alumni volunteers who generously give us their time and energy.  We urge you to consider volunteering… you can make a tremendous difference by offering just a few hours of your time, you can play an active role in shaping the future of our club, and along the way you’ll discover that time spent with fellow alumni is a rewarding change of pace.

We look forward to meeting you over the coming year.  All the best,

San Diego Chapter Leadership Team


A little bit more about each of us, as you can see, we take the club seriously, but we don’t take ourselves too seriously!

Bill Beeson, B.S. 1956
President, Arbor Consultants
Fun Fact: As the Godfather of both UC Berkeley and Haas chapters here in SD, Bill has gotten to know pretty much every Cal bear in San Diego.

Erica Lund, B.S. 2008
Personal Banker, Comerica Bank
Fun Fact: I love animals especially wild cats. I support WWF to help save the tigers.

R. Scott Spurgiesz, MBA 2011
CEO, Anago of San Diego
Fun Fact: I am an avid fly-fisher.

Michael Swanston, MBA 1995
President, Swanston Properties
Fun Fact: I like to make fun of pompous Stanford alumni groups (sorry the burn’s still there from undergrad days)…

Paul Yeh, B.S. 2001. HBS MBA 2009
Director of Marketing, Next Autoworks
Fun Fact: I am a huge car guy and I often go autocrossing at Qualcomm Stadium on weekends.


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